Where do Cyberpunks find their vehicles? Usually the salvage yard where the rest of society ditches the worn out vehicles that no longer hold any value in a so-called evolving society. Usually however they go for buses because they carry a lot of crap and people and are easy to operate from. Some other vehicles are usually electronic sports cars or electronic speed bikes but for the mechanic the bus is an instant grab since they like driving something that can plow the road! Buses rival eighteen wheeler trucks in being tough vehicles and outweigh the muscle truck in being durable and invincible in many respects. They can hook up rocket launchers or side turrets to the bus and even an overhead grenade launcher for throwing out sonic grenades that cause massive noise explosions. In other words an upgraded and heavily modded military bus!
Battle droids or scorpion tanks are two major vessels built and often piloted by mechanics whenever they have a vendetta or want to even a score with some smucks!
The nail rifle or the penetrator in more technical military terms is a form of nail gun that shoots heavier and more brutal nails. This gun definitely pins your enemies to the wall whilst slaying them, this is quite useful against unarmored idiots and can injure the armored goons. This type of gun is amongst the bullet guns of the future that doesn't fire sheer bullets used in modern times but fires knife like bullets and can be enhanced with elemental or atomic property rounds which are the bullets place in the future.