A fighter focused on the mass of his muscles using his kinetic energy to create shockwaves and blast through strong walls. Mighty monsters are juggernauts while fighters of greater muscle build are also juggernauts returning the same amount of kinetic force.
A fighter known for decimating clusters of enemies thus he is often the first to act and the last to the scene. He is also known for speed fighting making others appear slow as turtles, before he is done, entire enemy forces are broken and forced to retreat.
A fighter who is filled with bloodlust as part of his focus using every forbidden martial art from the five finger death punch to the throat ripper and the foot spear to the head carving right into the brain. Fighters are clearly psychopaths for taking up such a discipline if they do practice it, for even the greatest martial artist knows that life is precious.
The Fighter's Luggage
Usually armor is physical and requires plates of steel, padding or deflection tech yet for the warrior it isn't the physical he is guarding against but instead the psychological and supernatural. In some cases it is honor amongst his kind or in other cases a marking of his coming into manhood, when a woman takes on this she expresses a manner of toughness in both physical and personality.
When fighters deal with a mass of foes or a foe at their level or even greater, the honing rod makes great for beating up their foes. With even force they can impale their foes but they have the decency not to unless they are carnagers in which case they treat it as a sword and not a bat. They use it like a sword when engaged in combat with both hands or use it like a dao or gladius whichever style they are fond of in battle when facing a foe with a weapon.
When foes won't come in closer for a real beatdown the pounder acts as a cannon using what may seem normal or as stress relievers. It is pretty therapeutic to watch mayhem yet when these balls hit something at high speed it unleashes the same force a grenade would upon exploding. Anything physical caught in the path of the exploding ball should prepare for a big fat demolition moment.
Who's to say the fighter has no sense of style? It may look like some fisherman's hat but in the fighter's sense it gives off a dignifying look and protects against psychomancy.
A fighter is well planted in the ground and because they depend on force more than limberness and agility they wear steel toed boots. The steel toed boots adds force to their kick as the iron fists do to their punch, they become doubled with such items on them in combat.
As the essential hulks, fighters know that the modern age relies less on blades and more on firearms so they take the shotgun being they are good with close up action. Usually in a bar where a fight breaks out because some baddie started it they put them on the run the way a farmer does to a trespasser which is why their foes shouldn't attempt tangling with one who means business. If a foe should do anything, it should be sitting down to a drink with them because fighters are seasoned combatants and could pummel most of their opponents into the mud. The double barrel shotgun is the pounders best friend however when it comes to deviants who mean violence because there isn't any walking off getting hit by those.